Thursday, September 22, 2011

Peace Place

'What do I have to do for people to listen?' Boy, 14, who took his own life after gay taunts and he thanked Lady Gaga in his final post

Jamey Rodemeyer  I am listening. 

Many schools are implementing Bully Proofing Programs, Anti Bullying Programs, etc. 

I read The Secret. It's kinda out there. I'm not as far out as it is, and I don't believe the secret is supposed to bring you lots and lots of money. But the one thing that resonated with me is that the universe doesn't hear you in the negative. When you are yelling "NO BULLYING" The universe is hearing BULLYING. And that is what you are going to get more of. It's true too.  I've done the yelling in similar situations.

When I taught, we had some exceptional social workers. One brought two great programs to the school. One was Peace Place. The other was Peer Mediation.

Peace Place came first.

There was a Peace Place  in every classroom, the lunch room, on the playground, etc. When children had a conflict, they used the Peace Place. It took kids some time to get familiar with it.

Posters guided their language to frame their feelings so that another with heated feelings could hear them. It used I messages and helped free words that might have otherwise become a punch or a wound. 

Peer Mediation came second.

Then, he trained peer mediators who wore vests on the playground. If kids could not resolve a problem themselves. Peer mediators stepped in.

I  believe there are some students with great leadership skills who would make wonderful peer mediators, including students who have made poor choices by bullying.

"I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there."
Mother Teresa

Peace Place Steps

1.    Ground Rules
·      Agree to solve the problem
·      Take turns talking
·      No put downs
·      Tell the truth

2.  I Message
·      I feel__________when you ____________ because_________________.

3.   Need Message
·      I need you to _____________________________.

4.  Win-Win Solution
·      Maybe next time we could ________________________.

Shake hands and thank the person for working it out.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant. Peace, love and understanding should be on the curriculum because nothing else matters as much.

    Please keep pressing your message x


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